Nurse Clinics

We offer the following nurse clinics for all of our registered clients to complement the lifelong care we provide for your pet. These are run by a select team of experienced, Registered Veterinary Nurses.
Our nurses are able to offer appointments for *nail clipping, anal gland emptying and can provide a full range of healthcare advice. These appointments are chargeable are available to book every day including Saturdays.
*nail clips are included for members of the Healthy Pet Club plan.
Weigh and Worm
While your puppy or kitten is growing, we can offer a monthly appointment to weigh them and calculate and administer worm treatments. Once their weight stabilises, we are able to provide you with a longer course of medication to keep them parasite free.
Weight Clinics
Obesity is a major health concern for many pets, leading to a range of complications including joint disease and pain, heart disease, diabetes and exercise intolerance. This can be addressed through our individual nurse weight clinic.
An initial appointment will assess your pet’s weight and the weight loss required. The nurse will then offer you a tailor-made plan to ensure your pet can lose weight safely and gradually, whilst avoiding increased hunger. Follow up appointments are then made to offer support and follow your pet’s progress.

Dental Clinics
Just like us, cats and dogs’ teeth need to be cared for to avoid pain, plaque and tartar build-up, which can lead to gum disease and tooth loss. The nurse can offer help and advice on keeping your pet’s mouth healthy and smelling fresh.
A nurse dental clinic appointment is included after a dental procedure, to produce a tailor-made hygiene routine, to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy and avoid repeated need for treatment under anaesthetic.
Behaviour Clinics
Our experienced behaviour nurse, Leanne Layfield, can offer support and advice on how to deal with any inappropriate or unwanted behaviour.
The initial appointment will be for 1hr 15m to allow a full discussion and tailored planning. Follow up appointments can be made as required. Simple issues can be dealt with if you follow instructions carefully. On occasion, referral to one of our veterinary surgeons or an outside behaviourist is necessary.
Senior Clinics
Once your cat or dog reaches 7, we consider them to be entering their ‘senior years’. Therefore, we feel that regular health checks are important to pick up ageing changes, which can then be monitored and addressed as appropriate. During your appointment, we can provide a clinical examination with our qualified nurses, blood pressure monitoring and urine testing.
In the case of many conditions, early identification and treatment can avoid serious and rapid health decline and mean your pet has many more healthy and happy years ahead. If necessary, the nurse will advise an appointment with one of our veterinary surgeons for diagnosis and treatment.